• Arhiva KBO 2020

    Cea de-a XXVI-a editie a Conferintei stiintifice internationale The Knowledge-Based Organization, KBO 2020, a continuat cu succes traditia editiilor anterioare, aducand in atentia participantilor idei si abordari noi legate de tema organizatiei bazate pe cunoastere, oferind inca o data oportunitatea de a impartasi experienta si rezultatele stiintifice efectuate in mediul universitar si de cercetare, la nivel national si international. Fiind deja o marca inregistrata a Academiei Fortelor Terestre "Nicolae Balcescu" din Sibiu, evenimentul a inregistrat un numar de 135 de articole stiintifice, de catre 185 cadre didactice si cercetatori din institutii de invatamant superior si de cercetare prestigioase din Romania, Belgia, Bulgaria si Polonia, articolele fiind prezentate pe cele 6 sectiuni, respectiv:

    • Stiinte militare, securitate si aparare,
    • Management,
    • Stiinte economice,
    • Stiinte juridice si administrative,
    • Stiinte sociale si Limbi straine,
    • Stiinte tehnice si tehnologie militara,

    care au asigurat diseminarea cunostintelor si rezultatelor specialistilor - pe domeniul lor de competenta si interes.

    Proceedings-urile conferintei sunt urmatoarele:

    • Management and military sciences
    • Economic, social and administrative approaches to the knowledge-based organization
    • Applied technical sciences and advanced military technologies.
  • Arhiva KBO 2019

    Eveniment de referinta pentru Academia Fortelor Terestre "Nicolae Balcescu", cea de-a XXV-a editie a Conferintei stiintifice internationale The Knowledge - Based Organization, KBO 2019 a continuat cu succes traditia editiilor anterioare, aducand noi idei si abordari in dezbateri legate pe tema organizatiei bazate pe cunoastere, dand inca o data ocazia impartasirii experientei si rezultatelor cercetarii stiintifice din mediul universitar si de cercetare national si international.

    Au fost prezentate, intr-un cadru organizatoric si academic de inalta tinuta, un numar de 135 comunicari stiintifice, de catre 196 cadre didactice si cercetatori din institutii de invatamant superior si de cercetare prestigioase din Romania, Austria, Bulgaria, Cehia, Franta, Moldova, Olanda, Papua New Guinea, Polonia si Slovacia.

      Conferinta a fost conceputa pe 6 sectiuni, si anume:
    • Stiinte militare, securitate si aparare,
    • Management,
    • Stiinte economice,
    • Stiinte juridice si administrative,
    • Stiinte sociale si Limbi straine,
    • Stiinte tehnice si tehnologie militara,

    care au asigurat diseminarea cunostintelor si rezultatelor specialistilor - pe domeniul lor de competenta si interes.
    Proceedings-urile conferintei sunt urmatoarele:

    • Management and military sciences
    • Economic, social and administrative approaches to the knowledge-based organization
    • Applied technical sciences and advanced military technologies.
    • Link Sciendo

  • Arhiva KBO 2018

    Eveniment de referinta pentru Academia Fortelor Terestre „Nicolae Balcescu", cea de-a XXIV-a editie a Conferintei stiintifice internationale The Knowledge - Based Organization, KBO 2018 a continuat cu succes traditia editiilor anterioare, aducand noi idei si abordari in dezbateri legate pe tema organizatiei bazate pe cunoastere, dand inca o data ocazia impartasirii experientei si rezultatelor cercetarii stiintifice din mediul universitar si de cercetare national si international.

    Au fost prezentate, intr-un cadru organizatoric si academic de inalta tinuta, un numar de 161 comunicari stiintifice, de catre 226 cadre didactice si cercetatori din institutii de invatamant superior si de cercetare prestigioase din Romania, Bulgaria, Cehia, Grecia, Estonia, Polonia, Portugalia, Slovacia si Ungaria.

      Conferinta a fost conceputa pe 6 sectiuni, si anume:
    • Stiinte militare, securitate si aparare,
    • Management,
    • Stiinte economice,
    • Stiinte juridice si administrative,
    • Stiinte sociale si Limbi straine,
    • Stiinte tehnice si tehnologie militara,

    care au asigurat diseminarea cunostintelor si rezultatelor specialistilor - pe domeniul lor de competenta si interes.
    Proceedings-urile conferintei sunt urmatoarele:

    • Management and military sciences
    • Economic, social and administrative approaches to the knowledge-based organization
    • Applied technical sciences and advanced military technologies.

  • Arhiva KBO 2017

    Eveniment de referinta pentru Academia Fortelor Terestre „Nicolae Balcescu", cea de-a XXIII-a editie a Conferintei stiintifice internationale The Knowledge - Based Organization, KBO 2017 s-a inscris si individualizat, totodata, in galeria editiilor anterioare, prin abordari inovative si dezbateri asupra unor problematici deosebit de actuale, care inca nasc numeroase polemici in mediul universitar si de cercetare national si international.

    Au fost prezentate, intr-un cadru organizatoric si academic de inalta tinuta, un numar de 186 comunicari stiintifice, de catre 276 cadre didactice si cercetatori din institutii de invatamant superior si de cercetare prestigioase din Romania, Bulgaria, Cehia, Grecia, Polonia, Serbia, Slovacia, Ungaria si USA.

      Conferinta a fost conceputa pe 6 sectiuni, si anume:
    • Stiinte militare, securitate si aparare,
    • Management,
    • Stiinte economice,
    • Stiinte juridice si administrative,
    • Stiinte sociale si Limbi straine,
    • Stiinte tehnice si tehnologie militara,

    care au asigurat focusarea specialistilor de profil pe domeniul lor de competenta si interes, diseminarea cunostintelor acumulate realizandu-se prin proceedings-urile conferintei:

    • Management and military sciences
    • Economic, social and administrative approaches to the knowledge-based organization
    • Applied technical sciences and advanced military technologies.

  • Arhiva KBO 2016

    Eveniment de referinta pentru Academia Fortelor Terestre „Nicolae Balcescu", cea de-a XXII-a editie a Conferintei stiintifice internationale The Knowledge - Based Organization, KBO 2016 s-a inscris si individualizat, totodata, in galeria editiilor anterioare, prin abordari inovative si dezbateri asupra unor problematici deosebit de actuale, care inca nasc numeroase polemici in mediul universitar si de cercetare national si international.

    Au fost prezentate, intr-un cadru organizatoric si academic de inalta tinuta, un numar de 118 comunicari stiintifice, de catre 197 cadre didactice si cercetatori din institutii de invatamant superior si de cercetare prestigioase din Romania, Bulgaria, Cehia, Estonia, Polonia, Slovacia si Ungaria.

    Conferinta a fost conceputa pe 6 sectiuni, si anume:
    • Stiinte militare, securitate si aparare,
    • Management,
    • Stiinte economice,
    • Stiinte juridice si administrative,
    • Stiinte sociale si Limbi straine,
    • Stiinte tehnice si tehnologie militara,
    care au asigurat focusarea specialistilor de profil pe domeniul lor de competenta si interes, diseminarea cunostintelor acumulate realizandu-se prin proceedings-urile conferintei:
    • Management and military sciences
    • Economic, social and administrative approaches to the knowledge-based organization
    • Applied technical sciences and advanced military technologies.
    Conference proceedings:
    • Management and military sciences
    • Economic, social and administrative approaches to the knowledge-based organization
    • Technical sciences and military technologies


  • Arhiva KBO 2015

    Cea de-a XXI-a editie a Conferintei stiintifice internationala The Knowledge -Based Organization, KBO 2015, organizata de Academia Fortelor Terestre "Nicolae Balcescu", a continuat traditia editiilor anterioare supunand atentiei participantilor noi abordari si idei referitoare la problematica centrala a conferintei sau analizand aspecte supuse atentiei la editiile anterioare ale manifestarii.

    In cadrul sectiunilor conferintei s-au inscris 214 autori din institutii de invatamant superior si cercetare din Romania, Belgia, Bulgaria, Cehia, Polonia, Slovacia, Ungaria, Papua Noua Guinee care au elaborat un numar de 153 lucrari.

    Programul conferintei a fost conceput pe 7 sectiuni si anume: Securitate si aparare; Management; Stiinte economice, Stiinte juridice si administrative; Stiinte sociale si Limbi straine; Stiinte fundamentale, tehnica militara avansata si arhitectura de retea; Tehnologii Militare mecanice, Sisteme suport de decizie si CBRN in operatiuni militare.

      Conference proceedings
    • Management and military sciences
    • Economic, social and administrative approaches to the knowledge-based organization
    • Technical sciences and military technologies

    Indexari internationale (incepand cu anul) 2015

    • Baidu Scholar
    • Celdes
    • CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)
    • CNPIEC
    • EBSCO Discovery Service
    • Google Scholar
    • J-Gate
    • Naviga (Softweco)
    • Primo Central (ExLibrs)
    • ResearchGate
    • Summon (Serials Solutions/ProQuest)
    • TDOne (TDNet)
    • WorldCat (OCLC)

  • Arhiva KBO 2014

    Academia Fortelor Terestre "Nicolae Balcescu", gazduieste cea de-a XX-a Conferinta Stiintifica Internationala, organizata sub patronajul Autoritatii Nationale pentru Cercetare Stiintifica, intitulata Organizatia bazata pe cunoastere.

    In cadrul sectiunilor conferintei s-au inscris 282 autori din institutii de invatamant superior si centre de cercetare din Romania, Cehia, Slovacia, Polonia, Ungaria, Austria, Bulgaria, Portugalia, Papua Noua Guinee, Cambogia si Statele Unite ale Americii, care au elaborat un numar de 194 de lucrari.

    Indexarea ISI Thomson Reuters a editiilor anterioare ale conferintei, calitatea lucrarilor elaborate an de an, participarea numeroasa si organizarea ireprosabila au facut manifestarea cunoscuta si recunoscuta in intreaga lume, contribuind la dezvoltarea excelentei in cercetare.

      Conference proceedings
    • Management and military sciences
    • Economic, social and administrative approaches to the knowledge-based organization
    • Technical sciences and military technologies

  • Arhiva KBO 2013

      Conference proceedings
    • Management and military sciences
    • Economic, social and administrative approaches to the knowledge-based organization
    • Applied technical sciences and advanced military technologies.
  • Arhiva KBO 2012

    Military Science and Management, Economics, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Administrative Sciences and Technical and Technological Sciences, Foreign Languages. As many areas having provided a very generous range of thorough, worth studying subjects, highlighting the result of scientific research, carried out by 480 specialists from universities and research centers from Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and South Korea.

    The fruits of hard work have been materialized in 334 scientific valuable, documented, proficiency papers, which were presented by the authors in the 18th Edition of the "Knowledge Based Organization - 2012" Conference organized by ‘Nicolae Balcescu’ Land Forces Academy, under the auspices of the National Authority for Scientific Research.

    The official opening session took place in the morning of June 13, in the Institution’s Hall, where participants expressed satisfaction at the opportunity to revise a scientific framework of study and research, as to broadening the horizons of scientific research and of the spiritual enrichment.

    Academy’s Rector, Prof.Col.Eng.Dr. GHITA BÂRSAN, revised and expressed the joy, thanking the distinguished guests for attending the event which has already become a tradition and nevertheless wishing full success to all participants.

    With the hope that the goals aimed at will be achieved at the end of the Conference, let me now address you the invitation to honor us with valuable works in the following Edition of our KBO Conference.

      Conference proceedings
    • Management and military sciences
    • Economic, social and administrative approaches to the knowledge-based organization
    • Applied technical sciences and advanced military technologies.

  • Arhiva KBO 2011

    Already in the seventeenth edition, The International Scientific Conference, The Knowledge Based Organization, organized by the Nicolae Balcescu Land Forces Academy, between 24-26 November 2011, brought together teaching staff, researchers and specialists from over 90 institutions (Research Institutes, Higher Educational Institutions, Economic Agents, etc.), from the country and abroad. In addition to the traditional partners from Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, this year's edition was also attended by personalities of the scientific life and of the educational system from Belgium, Canada, South Korea, Moldova, Netherlands and Portugal.

    Organized in six sections and five subsections, the Conference provided the proper opportunity and frame for the latest trends and directions within education and research field, expressed at a National and international level, papers and works internationally exhibited in addressing not only the Knowledge-based Organization, but also the extensive transformation of the Military Organization, the Military contemporary actions physiognomy’s diversification and reconfiguration.

    Following the evaluation process, approximately 25% of the abstracts and papers submitted were rejected, and we have accepted for publication a total of 380 works.

    Starting with the 2010 edition, the works accepted for publication have been grouped in 3 proceedings: Management and Military Sciences, Economic, Social and Administrative Approaches to the Knowledge-Based Organization, Applied Technical Sciences and Advanced Military Technologies, all under the 1843-6722ISSN; (nevertheless this structure was also used in 2011). We wish we kept this structure for the following editions and also achieved continuity, both in terms of publishing the conference proceedings as well as in terms of the editorial standards alignment.

    We recall that the 2009 and 2010 editions were indexed in the ISI CPCI.

    We also mention that this year’s edition proceedings were transmitted to ISI Thomson Reuters for the evaluation process.

      Conference proceedings
    • Management and military sciences
    • Economic, social and administrative approaches to the knowledge-based organization
    • Applied technical sciences and advanced military technologies.

  • Arhiva KBO 2010

    Following the evaluation process, the Proceeding of our International Conference KBO 2009 have been accepted and indexed in ISI CPCI.
    A special word of thanks goes to all the teaching staff, scientific researchers and specialists who participated in KBO 2010 and who, through the high quality of their papers, enabled our institution to achieve this outstanding performance in the field of scientific research.

    We are looking forward to welcoming you at the future editions of our conferences.

    In 2010, the conference was held in Sibiu between 25 and 27 November on the premises of the Land Forces Academy and the topic was the Knowledge-Based Organization. At this edition of the conference we welcomed a great number of participants from more than 80 academic and research institutions from our country and from abroad. Distinguished participants coming from Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Iran, Nepal, Portugal, Hungary, Serbia, USA, and Italy have come together to disseminate the results of scientific research and discuss major issues related but not restricted to the knowledge-based organization in general and to the military organization in particular.

    Conference Proceedings are published as books by "Nicolae Balcescu" Land Forces Academy Publishing House and include full papers. Our Publishing House is recognized by CNCSIS (National University Research Council) and the ISSN of Conference Proceedings is 1843-6722.

    The paper selection process was accomplished in 3 stages. A first stage when our international committee of scientific reviewers assessed the abstracts (peer-to-peer), the result being that out of a total number of 456 abstracts submitted, only 382 have been accepted. The second stage concerned the evaluation of full papers (double-blind-peer-review) and which resulted in only 325 papers being accepted for publication, out of a total number of 368 papers that we received. In the third and last stage, authors have been notified of the results and of the revisions they had to make (as a rule, papers are either accepted as they are, accepted with minor revisions, accepted with major revisions, or rejected). The paper selection process was very strict process (papers have been rejected either because of the poor quality in scientific content, or because the issues addressed did not fit into the topic of the conference). In order to be published, papers must deal with issues that fall under the topic of the conference and must meet the international editorial and publishing standards (papers written in English, abstracts, keywords, complete and up-to-date references and bibliography).

      Conference proceedings
    • Management and military sciences
    • Economic, social and administrative approaches to the knowledge-based organization
    • Applied technical sciences and advanced military technologies.

  • Arhiva KBO 2009

    In 2009, the conference was held in Sibiu between 26 and 28 November on the premises of the Land Forces Academy and the topic (the knowledge-based organization) was the Knowledge-Based Organization.
    Conference Proceedings are published as books by “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy Publishing House and include full papers. Our Publishing House is recognized by CNCSIS (National University Research Council) and the ISSN of Conference Proceedings is 1843-6722. Part of the papers published in the conference proceedings are selected to be published in the scientific publications of the Land Forces Academy, Revista Academiei Fortelor Terestre (the Land Forces Academy Review) and Buletin Stiintific (the Scientific Bulletin), publications which are included in the international databases EBSCO and Proquest.
    Out of the total number of 417 papers that we received in 2009, only 370 have been accepted for publication, the percentage of rejected papers being higher than 10% (papers have been rejected either because of the poor quality in scientific content, or because the issues addressed did not fit into the topic of the conference).
    In order to be published, papers must deal with issues that fall under the topic of the conference and must meet the international editorial and publishing standards (papers written in English, abstracts, keywords, complete and up-to-date references and bibliography).

      Conference proceedings
    • Military Sciences. Security and Defence
    • Management
    • Economics
    • Behavioural and Social Sciences
    • Administrative and Juridical Sciences
    • Applied Technical Sciences and Advanced Military Technologies

  • Arhiva KBO 2008

    Aflata la cea de-a VI a editie consecutiva organizata cu tematica The Knowledge-Based Organization, aceasta noua manifestare stiintifica a adus in centrul dezbaterilor multe idei noi si interesante referitoare la aceasta problematica generoasa sau a analizat in profunzime aspecte ce au fost discutate la editiile anterioare.

    Desfasurata in perioada 27-29.11.2008 conferinta a vizat doua genuri de obiective majore: stiintifice pe de o parte, si pe de alta, dezvoltarea si consolidarea unor relatii de colaborare in domeniul cercetarii stiintifice cu institutii de invatamant superior si de cercetare, atat pe plan nationale cat si pe plan international.

    Programul conferintei a fost conceput pe 7 sectiuni si anume: Management; Stiinta militara. Securitate si aparare; Drept si stiinte administrative; Stiinte sociale si comportamentale; Stiinte tehnice; Limbi straine; Instructie si educatie militara.

    In cadrul acestora, pe langa prezentarea comunicarilor au fost abordate si analizate aspecte concrete de colaborare specifice proiectelor de cercetare si s-au analizat modalitatile in care preocuparile participantilor pot fi transformate in propuneri de proiecte in cadrul programelor nationale si internationale.

    In cadrul conferintei a fost organizat si un workshop intitulat Dimensiuni calitative ale ofertei educationale in cadrul institutiilor militare.

    La manifestare au fost inscrisi 579 de autori, cu un numar de 558 de comunicari stiintifice.

    Academia a fost onorata de prezenta unui numar de 27 de reprezentanti ai unor institutii de invatamant superior si de cercetare din Bulgaria, Cehia, Germania, Iordania, Liberia, Republica Moldova, San Marino si Ucraina.

    Cele mai bune comunicari prezentate au fost selectate in vederea includerii acestora in cele doua publicatii stiintifice ale academiei, Buletin stiintific si Revista Academiei Fortelor Terestre.

    • Conference proceedings
    • Military Sciences
    • Security and Defence
    • Management
    • Behavioral and Social Sciences
    • Economic Sciences
    • Law and Public Administration
    • Technical Sciences. Technical Systems and Technologies. Communications, Electronics and Electrotechnics
    • Technical sciences Computer Science, Modelling & Simulation and E-learning Technologies. Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry
    • Foreign Languages. English
    • Foreign Languages. German. French

© 2016 Academia Fortelor Terestre "Nicolae Balcescu". All rights reserved.