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analyze and characterize missions of different structures with responsibilities in defence and security (on a tactical level);

identify and characterize risk factors and their impact on the capacity of fulfilling missions;

study the characteristics of the staff and equipment and their influence on the development of the mission;

evaluate the capabilities of the main forces (land forces, air force, navy, special forces) on tactical level;

evaluate the capabilities of the joint forces and inter agencies on tactical level;

develope a mathematical device for modelling and simulating the decisional system;

develope patterns of joint capabilities and inter agencies for different missions and threats;

build a decisional process for the new types of capabilities;

build and implement an IT application which allows decisional factors to choose the best alternative in allocating the resources in order to fulfil missions and to justify the determined solutions;

exercise of the decisional process on a certain type of force.


Last Modified - 12 May, 2006 Design by RobertIQ