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Second Stage: Studies of theoretical substantiation: elaboration of paterns and characteristics


Activity II.1 Elaborate some model activities ( typologies ) and required resources 

Integrate the previous results and the establish some activity typologies and the required premises for accomplishing the specific missions.

Activity II.2 Identify and characterize the risk factors and their impact   

Establish the risk factors associated to the missions;

Analyse and establish of the impact of the risk factors;

Disseminate the data and the gathered information between partners.


Activity II.3 Elaborate a primary relational database comprising the obtained results

Synthesize the gathered results, establish the database structure and fill in the fields ;

  Design a website and a discussion forum meant to ensure an optimal informational flow between the partners.


Activity II.4 Establish the similarities and the particularities for the results integration  

Analyse the results obtained in the first stage, establish a common methodology to approach and continue the project;

Establish a method for the results integration and the feaxture particularization.

Last Modified - 2 June, 2006 Design by RobertIQ